

Section 1. The annual Institutional membership fee shall be based upon the previous fall student headcount of the institution. Up-to-date membership shall entitle each member institution to two votes. Proposed changes to the institutional and associate dues will be provided to the membership at the Annual Meeting at least one year prior to their effective date.

Section 2. Any member institution which fails to pay annual dues within a reasonable time period after billing and after a written reminder, will be dropped from the list of members with approval of the Executive Committee.

Section 3. A conference registration fee to be determined by the Executive Committee may be charged each attendee at the conference.

Section 4. There shall be no membership fee for honorary personal member.

Section 5. Associate members shall pay reduced annual dues.

ARTICLE II: Annual Meeting

Section 1. The Association shall hold an annual meeting, the location and date to be chosen by the Executive Committee.

Section 2. A geographical rotation scheme for the location of meetings shall be followed; provided, however, that for good and sufficient reason a variation may be made in any year by action of the Executive Committee or by a vote of the Association.

Section 3. At least 40% of the member institutions in attendance at the conference must be represented in order to conduct official business at the business session of a meeting.

ARTICLE III: Term of Office, Duties of Officers, and Removal from Office

Section 1. All officers shall hold office for a one year term each with an option for a second year, except the treasurer, who serves a two year term. If an annual meeting is omitted or postponed, all officers will hold office until their successors are duly elected.

Section 2. The president shall assume full responsibility for all general activities of the Association, coordinate all necessary correspondence with members in regard to the annual program, and with the assistance of the Executive Committee arrange the program. All bills must be approved by the president before payment is made.

Section 3. The president-elect shall act as the chief assistant to the president and shall succeed to that office in case it becomes vacant. The President-elect shall serve as the primary point of contact in coordination of all aspects of the annual meeting. The President-elect will become the president the following year.

Section 4. The vice-president for communications and member relations shall be responsible for and coordinate all affairs of the Association in the area of communications and membership. This vice president reviews website information for accuracy, prepares and distributes new articles for regional and national association newsletters and publications, and recruits members to submit information for the website. This person maintains the membership database, oversees the organization’s archival documents, assists the membership with questions related to access or maintenance of the member records, and manages routine postings to social media accounts.

Section 5. The vice-president for professional development shall be responsible for activities relating to the professional growth of the membership including the any workshop or seminar offerings and the annual meeting. This vice-president shall serve as chair of the annual meeting program committee.

Section 6. The vice-president for emerging and specialized programs shall be responsible for monitoring emerging and specialized programs within the field of enrollment management and making recommendations to the EC for future activities and programming. They work closely with the vice-president for professional development to develop relevant material to be presented to membership.

Section 7.  The vice president for information technology shall be responsible for supporting the Executive Committee with media platforms, including designation as the primary technical point of contact for the FACRAO website, Twitter, Facebook, and outward facing media platforms, as well as non-media technology platforms used for the Annual Summit, such as the membership management system and the FACRAO conference application.  The vice president will support technology needs for the summit, including both FACRAO and FCRAO events, and serve as a resource with the contracted summit venue and vendors to provide technology support.  The vice president shall lead/present one or more technology session(s) at the annual summit, and support the development of content area summit programming.  

Section 8. The secretary shall be the custodian of the records of the Association. This person shall keep the minutes of the annual meeting and the meetings of the Executive Committee. The secretary shall distribute the minutes of the Executive Committee meetings to all Executive Committee members, Committee chairpersons and the council of Past-Presidents. The secretary shall maintain the FACRAO membership directory. The secretary shall prepare annually a revised constitution incorporating all changes for distribution to the membership.

Section 9. The treasurer shall be the custodian of the funds of the Association. This person shall keep accurate list of the institutional members of the Association, collect membership dues, and pay all bills rendered to the Association when approved for payment by the president. This person shall prepare a financial report to be presented to the members of the Association at the annual meeting.

Section 10 The treasurer-elect shall understudy the treasurer for one year in preparation for assuming the role of treasurer. They will subsequently assume a two-year term as treasurer.

Section 11. The immediate past-president shall chair both the Nominating Committee and the Council of Past-Presidents. This person shall also serve as the liaison officer with other professional associations.

Section 12. The Corporate Liaison shall be responsible for the recruitment and support of the vendors and exhibitors for the annual conference. This is an appointed position by the President, on behalf of the Executive Committee.

Section 13. The Executive Committee shall have the authority between annual meetings to fill any vacancy. A two-thirds vote of the Executive Committee is necessary for filling any such vacancy.

Section 14. Elected members of the Executive Committee may be removed from office for misconduct, failure to perform the duties of the office, or for other just causes as determined by the Executive Committee. Evidence may be present in open session of the Executive Committee. The Committee shall, in session, consider the charges, examine the evidence presented by all parties, and reach a decision. The President shall preside over the proceedings unless the President is being considered for removal from office. In that event, the Immediate Past-President shall preside. The Secretary shall record and transcribe all testimony. Vacancies created through this action shall be filled as prescribed in Section 10 of the By-Laws.

Section 15. The Executive Committee shall have the authority between annual meetings to fill any vacancy. A two-thirds vote of the Executive Committee is necessary for filling any such vacancy.

Section 16. Elected members of the Executive Committee may be removed from office for misconduct, failure to perform the duties of the office, or for other just causes as determined by the Executive Committee. Evidence may be present in open session of the Executive Committee. The Committee shall, in session, consider the charges, examine the evidence presented by all parties, and reach a decision. The President shall preside over the proceedings unless the President is being considered for removal from office. In that event, the Immediate Past-President shall preside. The Secretary shall record and transcribe all testimony. Vacancies created through this action shall be filled as prescribed in Section 10 of the By-Laws.

ARTICLE IV: Committees

Section 1. There shall be appointed by the president a Nominating Committee of at least three members, chaired by the immediate past president, whose duty it shall be to select nominees for several elective offices and to report to the Association during the annual meeting. At this time, opportunity will be given for additional nominations from the floor. Consideration will be given to the make-up of the committee to include institution representation (Community Colleges, State Colleges, State Universities, and Private and Independent Colleges and Universities), gender, and ethnicity.

Section 2. There shall be a Budget Committee, consisting of the current President, who shall act as chairperson, the current Treasurer and one other member of the Executive Committee. The retiring treasurer shall serve as an ex-office member. Should any of these be unable to serve, the current president shall appoint a substitute.

Section 3. There shall be an Audit Committee, appointed by the president, comprised of two or more members, none of whom will be the current officers of the FACRAO Executive Committee. This committee shall be responsible for maintaining a history of the Association.

Section 4. There shall be a Council of Past-Presidents chaired by the immediate past-president, consisting of the Association s active past-presidents and the current president, who shall serve as recording secretary. The Council will address issues, do special projects assigned by the president, serve in an advisory capacity to the Executive Committee, and will serve as a Constitutional Review Committee.

Section 5. The president shall appoint any other committee deemed necessary for the work of the Association.

Section 6. The President, in addition to the Chairing of the Budget Committee, shall be an ex-officio member of all committees, except the Nominating Committee.

ARTICLE V: Fiscal Year

The fiscal year of the Association shall extend from January 1st to December 31st.

ARTICLE VI: Amendments

The constitution may be amended at any time during the calendar year or annual meeting by a two-thirds vote of the voting representatives or proxies voting; provided that notice of the proposed amendments has been sent to the members at least one month in advance of the call of the vote. Notice sent electronically via the FACRAO membership list, and posting of proposed changes on the FACRAO web site (, shall constitute notice to the membership. An amendment not thus proposed in advance of the annual meeting may be adopted by a three-fourths vote of voting representatives or proxies present and voting. Notification of the voting results will be the responsibility of the president.

FACRAO Discrimination and Misconduct Policy

Executive Committee Statement on Prohibited Bias, Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual and Related Misconduct

FACRAO is committed to providing a safe, inclusive, and respectful working environment for its officers and volunteers, including the Association’s Executive Committee and those serving on any other Association committees. This policy furthers FACRAO’s commitment to creating an environment free of bias, discrimination, harassment, and sexual and related misconduct, and to meeting applicable legal requirements.

We elect, train, promote, engage or dismiss volunteers without regard for age, citizenship, race, national or ethnic origin, color, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status or family responsibility, family medical or genetic information, disability, medical condition, religion, veteran status, political affiliation, matriculation, or other classifications protected by applicable federal, state, or local laws.

All forms of harassment are prohibited. Harassment can be verbal, visual, or physical or can be communicated in writing or electronically. Harassment includes but is not limited to situations where one person has authority over another. Harassment is any unwelcome verbal or physical conduct when:

  • submission to such conduct is made, either explicitly or implicitly, a term of condition of an individual’s participation or advancement in the organization; or
  • submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis or threatened to be used for participation or decision affecting the individual.

As approved by the FACRAO membership at the Annual Meeting on June 7, 2023.