ConstitutionARTICLE I: NameThe name of the organization shall be the Florida Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admission Officers (hereafter referred to as the Association). ARTICLE II: ScopeSection 1. This shall be a non-profit professional educational association whose purpose is to support schools of higher education. Section 2. The general purpose of the Association shall be to promote the advancement of higher education in its fullest and broadest implications, particularly in the areas of admission, registration and records as appropriate. The primary aims shall be to provide instruction and training designed to develop and enhance the capabilities of professionals and other individuals who work in these areas at educational institutions. As a result of these individual developmental opportunities, the Association shall also contribute to the improvement and advancement of the offices of admissions, registration and records at member institutions. The Association shall also assist representatives of non-member institutions to develop their offices of admissions, registration and records as appropriate. Section 3. Any activity appropriate to the purpose set forth in Section 2 may be undertaken by the Association: specifically included are: (a) the holding of workshops and annual conferences for the professional improvement of individuals employed by member educational institutions; (b) the publication of regular or special bulletins; (c) the conducting of cooperative investigations, studies and surveys, joint responsibility with other organizations of similar general purpose; and (d) the dissemination of information on problems of common interest to its members. Section 4. The Association is not an accrediting agency, nor does it set policies for the acceptance of transfer credit. It is limited to activities supporting member educational institutions. Section 5. In event of the dissolution of the Association, after all debts of the Association are paid, any remaining assets will be donated to charitable organizations for the advancement of higher education as determined by the Executive Committee. ARTICLE III: MembershipSection 1. Membership is institutional. Any institution of higher learning operating in, headquartered in, or with active campus locations operating in the State of Florida may apply for membership. Any Florida institution that is accredited or a candidate for accreditation by a regional or national accreditation agency will be granted membership upon receiving a simple majority vote of the Executive Committee. Any other institution of higher learning may be eligible for membership upon the unanimous consent of the Executive Committee. Each institutional membership entitles that institution to two votes. No representative is entitled to more than one vote. Any officer or employee of a member institution who is interested in the work of the Association is encouraged to attend meetings and participate in discussions. The voting representatives will be determined by the member institution. A proxy may vote if the proxy has the written authorization of the appropriate institutional voting representative. Section 2. Separate divisions of colleges and universities of complex organization recognized and administered as independent or semi-autonomous institutions (except for restrictions imposed by law or charter) may be considered institutions within the meaning of this article, as determined by the Executive Committee, and each of these division shall be eligible for membership. Section 3. Individuals may be recommended to the Executive Committee for honorary personal membership by any institution representative listed by the Association. Election to honorary personal membership will rest with the Executive Committee. Only those individuals who have been sufficiently active in the Association to warrant the assumption that they are interested in the Associations progress (such as those who are either retiring from active work, or transferring jobs, or leaving the state after long years of service in the profession, or other individuals who made significant contributions to the Association) will be elected by the Executive Committee. Section 4. Out-of-state individuals, business entities, sponsors, and in-state individuals with an interest in the general causes and advancement of higher education including individuals from institutions not meeting institutional membership criteria may become Associate members upon the approval by a majority vote of the Executive Committee. Associate members may participate in all activities of the Association except they will not have voting privileges and may not serve on the Executive Committee. Membership must be approved annually by application to the Executive Committee. ARTICLE IV: OfficersSection 1. Any representative from a member institution is eligible to hold office in the Association. Associate members may not hold office but are encouraged to serve on committees if appointed by the president. Section 2. The officers of the Association shall be a president, a president-elect, the immediate past president; a vice president for communications and member relations; a vice president for professional development; a vice president for emerging and specialized programs; a vice president for information technology; a secretary; a treasurer; a treasurer-elect; and a corporate sponsor liaison;. All officers, except the president, the immediate past president, and the treasurer which are successional officers, and the corporate sponsor liaison, which is appointed, shall be elected by a majority vote of the Association’s voting representative or proxies present at the annual meeting or by electronic voting solicited from the membership. The elected officers shall hold office from adjournment of the meeting at which they are elected for a period of one year. Section 3. The officers named in Section 2 shall constitute an Executive Committee, with power to fix the time and place of the annual meeting, as provided in the By-Laws, to assist the president in arranging the program, and to make other necessary arrangements. The Executive Committee shall conduct the business of the Association in the period between the annual meetings. ARTICLE V: Amendments (as amended 6/8/2004)The constitution may be amended at any time during the calendar year or annual meeting by a two-thirds vote of the voting representatives or proxies voting; provided that notice of the proposed amendments has been sent to the members at least one month in advance of the call of the vote. Notice sent electronically via the FACRAO membership list, and posting of proposed changes on the FACRAO web site (, shall constitute notice to the membership. An amendment not thus proposed in advance of the annual meeting may be adopted by a three-fourths vote of voting representatives or proxies present and voting. Notification of the voting results will be the responsibility of the president. As approved by the FACRAO membership at the Annual Meeting on June 7, 2023. |